3 Tips for Creating a Powerful Online Brand Strategy
3 Tips for Creating a Powerful Online Brand Strategy

When you have been busy getting your business started, you would have little time for marketing. Still, it is never too late to start branding or online marketing your business in UAE. The sooner you begin the better. Branding your business online can enable you to connect better with your audience. Let’s look at some of the best methods to create a powerful online brand strategy for your business even on a limited budget.

The ‘About Us’ Page

Have a look at the About Us page on your website. Does it look like a long list of basic information like the founder’s name, year launched, and location)? Or is it a small passage that serves as a spacer until you figure something better? If that’s the case it is high time that you invest more energy in the content.

The About page is your opportunity to introduce customers to your brand and show them what your brand symbolize. You should be able to answer the following questions like

  • What is the reason for your existence?
  • What makes it different from others?

People don’t often visit the About Us page, but if they do, it should convey a better sense of what drives and defines your brand.

Know Who Your Real Customers Are

Before jumping on to devising a website branding strategy, you need to understand who your core customers are.75% of digital users say they are stone walled using content that is irrelevant to them. So it is extremely important to tailor your content according to the preferences of the right buyer.

You may already have a rough idea about the ideal customer who will adore your products or services, but documenting the traits of such customers is key. The idea is obtained through market research and historical data from search engine optimization analytics in Dubai

If you are new to the industry, you may not have a lot of customer data build on. But that is ok: you can begin with broad characteristics and add details as you get to know better.




Build You Brand Voice and Tone

After visuals, captions and related texts are the next significant piece of branding for your social media posts. Company social media accounts have preset tone and personality to their messaging. Some has a sarcastic or snarky tone while others has an informative tone.

If you have already established a brand voice through your other marketing channels extend that to social media. You may even cultivate a specific approach to a particular platform.

If you have an SEO consultant in Dubai managing your various social media accounts, having a reference guide keeps aligned so it doesn’t seems like your company is giving dissimilar opinions.