The Need for Diversification in SEO Strategy: An Analysis
The Need for Diversification in SEO Strategy: An Analysis

SEO adapts and evolves constantly. Google regularly comes with newer algorithmic updates that flips the world of SEO on its head and force everyone to adapt overnight. Hence relying on a single internet marketing strategy in Dubai that has the possibility of turning obsolete can be disastrous. Here are a few ways to diversify your SEO efforts to earn more visibility. 

1. Content Diversification

Content diversification starts with the audience. Focusing only on the people who are ready to buy from you might turn out to be a bad idea. A content strategy that serves all segments is required. Your audience has different intentions during the various stages, and your content should match their intentions. Consult with your SEO company in Dubai to review your present content and if it matches the diverse intentions of customers belonging to various stages of your marketing funnel.

Also, it should not be mistaken that content diversification is only limited to blogs and other written text. A single page including multiple formats will give you the best shot in appearing for a variety of query results while also offering the chance to the readers to easily digest information.   

2. Link Acquisition Tactics

Link acquisition deserves equal attention as content, and it starts with tactics.

Simply stuffing every blog with a comment section spammed with an irrelevant commercial link is certainly not a good idea.

To devise an effective strategy, you need to use these links judiciously by using multiple tactics such as resource link building, link reclamation, unlinked mentions, image link building.

To devise a sustainable and future proof link acquisition plan it is advisable to consult a company offering top-notch SEO services in Dubai


Devising an SEO strategy that solely focuses on ranking won’t fetch you long term results. Instead, invest in a sustainable online strategy to help increase traffic and sales to your business.