Fixing Common Social Media Mistakes That Can Harm Your Business
Fixing Common Social Media Mistakes That Can Harm Your Business

For every online marketing of a business, search engine optimization and social media marketing are instrumental. The SEO part can be handled by the business’ in-house team or they can outsource it to one of the many reliable organizations in the SEO services Dubai industry. Social media marketing is a whole another game. 

Online presence is vital for a business’ success, and such a presence can achieved with strategic and thoughtful social media marketing. Not all social media activities deliver desired results, and there are some that can do more harm than good. Businesses often neglect the fact that social media is a double-edged sword and make mistakes that can’t always be rectified. 

In this article, we will explore 3 such common social media mistakes that can harm a business and the ways to avoid them.

Leveraging only one social media channel

Many businesses, in order to save time and money, choose to focus only on one social media channel which they deem effective. The approach is flawed because it’s possible that a great majority of their target audience may be on a different social media channel. The business, in its efforts to save time and money, are actually losing potential customers with such an approach. 

Proper market research is the way to begin before investing in social media marketing. In the case of social media marketing Dubai, market research is often neglected because Facebook is the most widely used social media platform in the Middle East by businesses and individuals alike. 

Engaging an existing client base and surveying them on their channel preference is a good way to start market research. Later on, the business can implement a cross-channel strategy to reach different segments of the target audience. 

Posting same content across all channels

This has long been a debate among marketers, with many marketers rejecting the idea as ineffective. Each social media channel has its own specific traits. For instance, Twitter is more suited for short, frequent updates while Facebook is about less frequent, personal posts that can be long. Posting content that isn’t tailored to a particular social media channel could alienate viewers. Then there is the obvious user perception of laziness when you post the same content across all platforms. You will be judged unoriginal and repetitive for not putting effort into tailoring content for different social media channels. 

To increase engagement, put an effort into content development for different platforms but still catering to the target audience. A/B testing the post frequency and content type can also give you hints at increasing engagement effectively across various social media channels. 

Posting spammy content

Using social media channels properly will help you promote your brand. But overusing them means you will be losing followers quickly. Social media users expect fun, engaging content from the pages they follow. For a business page, the content posted should be appealing and relevant, and not just promotional posts. Aggressively posting content about your business would just annoy users who see it more often on their timelines, leading them to unfollow or even unlike your page. 

This is where content marketing is in order. Focus on educating your audience with information they would find useful, and occasionally post other types of content that are fun, engaging or provide some sort of value to your audience. Using video content is an effective, as people generally tend to consume video content when they see one. This can both promote your brand and keep your audience engaged. If done right, your social media content would even start to appear in search engine results. You can find a trusty SEO company, Dubai that offers both SEO and social media marketing services to do both in parallel and in a much more effective manner.