Five Innovative Practices for Managing Your Facebook Business Page
Five Innovative Practices for Managing Your Facebook Business Page

Many find, social media a bit too daunting. Some find it of low value and brush it away. That would be a terrible mistake if a business fails to understand the huge potential that social media offers. Especially in terms of connecting their customers and finding new ones.

For business who are new to the social media fraternity might wonder how they could potentially use social media marketing for business in Dubai

To begin with, businesses must familiarize themselves with the best practices followed in online marketing in UAE

1. Engage the Audience

This is undoubtedly one of the most important thumb rules about using Facebook. With every new post, you make on Facebook, your goal should always be improving engagement with your followers and future followers. The post should be engaging enough to prompt them to act.

2. Devise a Carefully Thought out Posting Strategy

Random postings on Social media accounts without keeping the brand identity and goals in mind will do more harm than good. Hence it is crucial to have a plan in hand. Choose the days of your posting. Proofread the content before posting is also essential. You can post about the upcoming promotion and sales and other events that are important to your business.

3. Make Use of Facebook Ads

If you are so keen on building a brand on Facebook, you must use Facebook ads. It should be an important part of your social media marketing plan. There are instances where posts go viral. It occurs only on rare occasions but if it happens to pray it is for the best.  Always include a set amount for Facebook in your marketing plan. It is worth the pain.  

4. Hashtags

Hashtags are new to Facebook. Nevertheless, it is a great way to reach out to people who are looking at your posts or trending topics. Here are a few tips on what to avoid if when you use them.

  • Use them judiciously. Don’t make them part of every other post.
  • Don’t sneak in a hashtag to be part of a search result. 
  • Never stuff hashtags into your posts. One should be more than enough. 

5. Image Conscious

The digital world we live in is image-driven. Photos are essential tropes to catch attention of your audience and are easier for the followers to consume and share.  


The above is just a few of the best practices that businesses must implement to help devise a successful social media strategy. However, business can always seek help from the best SEO companies in Dubai.